Danny Perez
This Special Edition of Bigfoot Times commemorates the 25th anniversary of Roger Patterson's famous film--alleged to be of Bigfoot striding through Bluff Creek, California. Excellent illustrative material is offered, including a 1973 aerial view of that area. Perez relates the circumstances surrounding the movie, and tells of the personalities involved. Also: the reactions of interested parties over the years such as Frank Beebe, Grover Krantz, Bernard Heuvelmans, John Green, Rene Dahinden, and others. Magazine format, 23 pp., photos, maps, $6.00.
Rick Berry
Bigfoot seems to be everywhere! And certainly on the East Coast of the U.S., where he has allegedly been spotted at least a thousand times. The reports in this book, which date back as far as the 1800s, are chronicled, state by state, in short summaries. Read about Arthur Moore's four 1973 encounters with Bigfoot in New York, and many other close encounters of the odorific kind. Paper, 165 pp., photos, new, $12.95.
Grover S. Krantz
Nearly three decades of study and fieldwork went into Bigfoot expert Grover Krantz's magnum opus, which is packed with information and opinion. Physical anthropologist Krantz covers such subjects as the evidence for Bigfoot, the Patterson film, analysis of footprints, hairy hominids around the world, the prospects for finding a Bigfoot, the case for Gigantopithecus, and much more. Anyone interested in Bigfoot will want to read this book. Paper, 300 pp., index, biblio., photos, illus., three append., $14.95.
Tom Morris
A flavorful and useful manual/scrapbook for those fascinated with America's favorite monster, Bigfoot. It includes sections on Bigfoot in the newspapers, research in the field, the Patterson Film, Bigfoot sounds, magazine articles, information from the Western Bigfoot Society News bulletin and the Manimals Newsletter, plus the work of various researchers (John Green and others). Features worldwide Bigfoot/Snowman data and many maps. Paper, photos, illus., photocopies, 192 pp., $19.95.
ENCOUNTERS WITH BIGFOOT (Formerly On the Track of the Sasquatch: Book One)
John Green
The Ruby Creek Incident, Bigfoot at Bluff Creek, Ape Canyon, Blue Creek Mountain Bigfoot, the Patterson film, and more. Paper booklet, 64 pp., photos, illus., maps, $7.95.
John Green
Theodore Roosevelt's story, the David Thompson case, historical cases, and more are covered in detail. Paper booklet, 64 pp., photos, illus., maps, $4.95.
SASQUATCH: The Apes Among Us
John Green This dense volumn includes a collection of Bigfoot accounts through 1978, featuring media accounts, sworn stories, photos, maps, theory and more. Read about Sasquatch Around the World, Apes Under Water, Bigfoot at Bluff Creek, and Patterson's Movie. Paper, 492 pp., photos, illus., indexes, biblio, $12.95.
Thomas Steenburg
This book is the American publication of Steenburg's 1990 The Sasquatch in Alberta and focuses on 23 sightings in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada. From Hancock House, the company that brought you Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us and Ogopogo. Paper, 82 pp., photos, illus., $11.95.
Don Hunter with Rene Dahinden
Hunter chronicles Swiss-born Canadian Dahinden's nearly four-decade search for the Sasquatch in this important tome, which was originally published in 1973. The history of Sasquatch, the Patterson Bigfoot film, Sasquatch in British Columbia, scientists' opinions, classic Sasquatch cases, the Pacific Northwest expedition, and many other topics are discussed from Dahinden's perspective. Paper, 205 pp., photos, $14.95.
Loren Coleman
The cryptozoological adventures of Texas oilman Tom Slick, including his expeditions to search for Bigfoot, Yeti, the Orang Pendek, lake monsters, and giant salamanders. Paper, 177 pp., index, appendix, biblio., $11.95.